Team Allocation 

Team Allocation Days

Team Allocation Days for 2024

In particular:

Team Allocation - draft

Under 6 to 11 Players

At Penno FC, we strive to give each player the best football experience. We understand that all players are different in terms of their skill level and motivation for playing, and that a player’s enjoyment for the game is enhanced when they play in a team of like-minded players.

We use the process of grading and allocation days to assess the skill level of each player, and this is ultimately used to assist with the team allocation within the North West Sydney Football Association (NWSF). The team allocation depends on the age group of the players, with “soft” grading being introduced progressively between U8 and U11.

This information has been prepared to help inform coaches, managers, parents and players about the team allocation and “soft” grading process, and the differences between age groups.

Under 6 - 7 (non - competition) U6 and U7 are not graded

Our best endeavours are used to put your child in a team with school friends and children who live nearby. If you would like your child to play in a certain team with friends, please include this when registering or by contacting the Age Manager, and we will, where possible, try to accommodate your request - bearing in mind the need to balance team numbers.

Although there is no official grading at U6 and U7 levels, teams are ranked following the allocation days and according to its assessed ability with the aim of placing each team into a playing group of similarly ranked teams within the NWSF.

In some cases, Penno may have multiple teams with the same ranking, and this may result in Penno teams playing in the same division (i.e. they will play each other during the season).

Under 8 (non - competition)

Similar to U6 and U7, the majority of U8 players are not graded. The exception to this is referred to as the Blue Division, which is a division within U8 for a group of players that demonstrate ability during the “soft” grading process.

A Blue Division is formed from the strongest teams in U8 within the NWSF, it is not expected that Penno will nominate a team for this division every year.

In assessing the skill level of players that have nominated, the Grading Panel may recommend that a team is either suitable or not suitable for the Blue Division. In this case, the Age Manager will discuss with the parents and players, the option of having the team formed on the basis of the results of grading, and then ranked as normal (it would be expected that the soft graded team would be ranked 1 or 2).

As with U6 and U7, all U8 teams are ranked according to the team’s assessed ability and placed in a group of similarly ranked teams within the NWSF. 

The Age Manager will at all times use his / her best endeavours to allocate teams based on the preference to play with similarly skilled players and the Grading Panel’s feedback, whilst at the same time balancing the wishes of parents and players to play with friends.

Under 9-11 (non- competition)

All U9 to U11 are graded via a process of “soft” grading. Soft grading is used to ensure that every player is allocated into a team and division that suits their level of play. It has many advantages in ensuring the player is kept actively involved and interested in the game of football for the entire season. It is aimed at balancing the assessment of the player’s skill level against any preferences to play within a particular team.

There will often be a number of teams in each of the U9 to U11 age groups, with players of varying skill level and experience. The primary aim of soft grading will be to differentiate the higher skilled (and usually more competitively motivated) players from players that may be less experienced (in some cases, playing for the first time) or motivated to play for more social reasons. This assessment will then be used for team allocation. If possible, other factors, such as player and parent preferences, may also be considered, but no guarantee can be given that such preferences can be accommodated.

Parents and players that wish to have a team preference will need to inform the Age Manager at (or prior to) the first allocation day.

The Age Manager will, at all times use his / her best endeavours to balance these factors when determining a team allocation.

Under 12 and up (competition football) - First Year of Competitive Football

All players in competition football (U12 and up) are graded. Teams will be allocated based on the assessment of skill level. Grading sessions are held at the beginning of the year.