
All teams require a coach to proceed for the season, if you are interested in coaching or managing or to continue from last season, please answer this question in the online registration and / or contact your Age Manager.  

ALL volunteers MUST be registered to be covered by the Club’s insurance arrangements, and where applicable, Working With Children (“WWC”) clearance will also be required.

In order to develop our coaches, Penno FC will pay for new and existing coaches (and managers) to attend appropriate accredited coaching courses.  If interested, and I would encourage you to take up this offer (it is fun and enjoyable and nothing to feel apprehensive about), speak to your Age Manager or our Director of Coaching.

Course dates are available here.

Using Dribl

Click here for some information on using Dribl as a coach, manager or referee. NWSF have also put together this handy guide. 

Information on using Dribl as a parent or player can be found under the 'resources' heading.

Team short of players?

In mini age groups not only can you ask other same-aged or younger PennoFC teams to sub in extra players, but you can also approach the opposition Manager on game day and either seek to borrow an opposition player or agree to fewer players on the field to ensure a fair equal-sided game. It’s all about fun and learning skills in the Mini age groups, so with all the flexibility available, there should be no reason for our littlest PennoFC stars to ever miss games due to a PennoFC forfeit.

Game Structure

Please refer to the applicable age group pages below:

Fair Play

Pennant Hills Football Club enjoys a reputation for fair play and fair dealings throughout the Association and our community. The fair manner with which we treat our referees is second nature to most of us. The following items have been provided to remind us all of our obligations with respect to our match officials.

Club policy is that all available team players receive equal game time.  Equality can be achieved each match, or over a longer period if a roster is kept.   

Be enthusiastic! Help players to do their best and enjoy themselves. Placate parents. Remember football is meant to be FUN.


Notify your Age Manager or one of the Registrars ASAP if a player wishes to de-register. If NWSF is notified prior to the first competition game, the player will receive a full refund.  If notified prior to last Friday in May, the player will receive a 50% refund.

Game day

Manager’s duties